being sarah, being the shaver crew - short films, the shaver crew

the beginning of “short films”

I feel like I just keep getting braver & braver haha – I decided to start “vlogging.” 😀 However, let the record show that I think that “vlog” is an awkward word, so I will be calling these vids “short films” or something in that general category.

Believe it or not, this is something I have wanted to do for a while, but I never really knew how or where to start. But knowing that I would start someday, I started taking some videos, & I’m so glad I did.

Last night, I got the “vlog” bug bad. I mean, BAD! I saw the way a gal I follow on social media did hers & instantly fell in love! Inspiration struck me & I could not ignore it. So, determined, I found a free program to be able to put my vids together + add some music to add some emotion & extra fun to it.

Wha-la (does anyone really know how to spell that word?), I have officially created my very first video!!! It’s not the best, but I was too anxious to start! Hahaha 😛

So here’s to being brave – to being creative – & to living life with my crew! ❤

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